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The project partners have installed aluminium poles from which bags of microalgae hang at the treatment plant in Rotenburg. 23.08.2016 | Science

Cleaning wastewater with algae

Researchers from the wastewater treatment plant at the municipal utility in Rotenburg an der Fulda have proven that algae can also purifies wastewater.

The energy-saving stove Glow yambao was orginially developed for developing countries like Tanzania (see photo). Now the biogas oven is set to make the German barbeque market more sustainable. 17.08.2016 | Business

Fresh capital for wood BBQs

After the successful completion of another crowdfunding round, German start-up GloW efficiency off-grid GmbH is now offering its microwood gasification stove to the local barbequing market.

Water-repellent (hydrophobe) textiles are sought after to use in medicine as well in for outdoor clothing. 09.08.2016 | Science

Dirt and water blockers from fungi proteins

With the help of water-repellent proteins that occur naturally in the cell walls of fungi, textile researchers want to develop natural dirt and water blockers for clothes.

The UN and participating countries have adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. 03.08.2016 | Politics

Nature commentary: Bioeconomy important for SDGs

In a commentary in the science journal Nature, experts explain the key points on how to harmonise biobased economies and UN sustainability goals.

Bayer wants to strengthen its plant potection division by a fusion with US seed giant Monsanto. 01.08.2016 | Science

Water-resistant mortar thanks to a biofilm

Moisture can destroy mortar over time, for example, when cracks form as a result of frost. But by adding a biofilm – a soft, moist substance produced by bacteria, when the mortar is being mixed, a team of scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have discovered an unusual way to protect mortar from moisture.



Dagmar Köhler-Repp hopes that autogenous vaccines can reduce the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine. Dagmar Köhler-Repp: Patron-goddess of poultry

After completing her biology studies in 2001, Dagmar Köhler-Repp set out as an independent businesswoman, albeit from the basement of her parents' apartment in Berlin. Today, the head of the veterinary vaccine company Ripac Labor, which now resides in Science Park Potsdam-Golm, has been named Brandenburg Entrepreneur of the Year 2014.

After a career as a plant physiologist and geneticist, Yuri Gleba is now an entrepreneur with three company foundings behind him. Yuri Gleba: Using plants as molecule factories

The plant molecular biologist Yuri Gleba is the head and founder of the company Nomad Biosciences. Today, subsidiary company Icon Genetics is making headlines with its Ebola serum ZMapp. The motto of the chess lover: “Entrepreneurs should be able to think like a Grand Master.”

At the University of Jena, materials scientist Klaus Jandt conducts research into new nanomaterials. Throughout his work, nature serves as his primary inspiration. Klaus Jandt: From blood protein to high-tech material

In Jena, the materials scientist Klaus Jandt is conducting research into new nanomaterials that are made using natural substances. The biophysicist is putting the protein molecule fibrinogen to work as a construction material for a new high-tech fibre.

Stefan Schiller of the University of Freiburg is this year's winner of the BMBF research award Next Generation of Biotechnological Processes. Stefan Schiller: Interior designer of cell factories

Equipping cell factories with new reaction chambers: this synthetic-biological vision is the goal of Freiburg-based chemist and cell engineer Stefan Schiller. The scientist recently won the BMBF’s highly endowed Next Generation of Biotechnological Processes research award for 2014.

The neurologist Ulrich Bogdahn is working to boost the activity of endogenous stem cells in ALS patients and thereby to regenerate damaged nervous systems. Ulrich Bogdahn: In pursuit of a treatment for ALS

Ulrich Bogdahn is working to make neurodegenerative diseases more treatable. The neurologist from Regensburg is conducting researching into an effective therapy for the previously incurable nerve disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

The French-born scientist Emmanuelle Charpentier heads a research department at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig. Her discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene scissors has been greeted enthusiastically by molecular biologists around the world. Emmanuelle Charpentier: Cutting a swathe with her gene-scissors

Emmanuelle Charpentier studios bacterial anti-viral defence systems. In the course of her work she has discovered a form of highly accurate gene-scissors that have been greeted with excitement by molecular biologists all over the world. The Humboldt professor now works at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig.

The microbiologist Ulrich Rabausch Ulrich Rabausch: A microbiologist with entrepreneurial vision

Three steps to success: Turn up at the Federal Ministry of Research Innovation Academy Biotechnology with a good business idea, find some partners, become an entrepreneur. While this may sound a bit simplistic, it is exactly what happened to Hamburg-based microbiologist Ulrich Rabausch.

The award-winning microbiologist Nicole Dubilier specialises in the coexistence between sea-based microbes and other sea creatures. Nicole Dubilier: searching for synergy in the ocean

As often as she can, Leibniz Award winner Nicole Dubilier journeys to the sea, where she explores the fascinating coexistence of microbes with other sea creatures.

Wojczewski was still a doctoral student when she founded BioSpring GmbH together with five other partners. Silvia Wojczewski: Bespoke molecules for medicine

Silvia Wojczewski is the executive director of the Frankfurt-based company BioSpring, which produces customised DNA or RNA molecules for use in medicines.

Goals can be more quickly achieved when working together, believes Shirley Knauer, a keen believer in interdisciplinarity. Shirley Knauer. Shirley Knauer: Seeking magic bullets for cancer

Shirley Knauer is a junior professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen. She has won numerous awards for her research into the protein molecules involved in carcinogenesis.

Ralf Dreher has headed the Darmstadt-based biotech company R-Biopharm for over 20 years. Ralf Dreher: Foodstuffs in the spotlight

Ralf Dreher has been boss of the biotech company R-Biopharm for over 20 years. The Darmstadt-based company is specialised in the development of tests for clinical diagnostics and for the analysis of food and feed.

The biochemist Jörg Riesmeier is the managing director of Derivo ITB in Cologne. Jörg Riesmeier: From funds to firms

Plant biotechnologist, fund manager and now company head. In the world of applied biosciences, Jörg Riesmeier certainly gets around a lot. In recent years he has been responsible for putting industrial biotech company Direvo IBT on a new course.

The physicist Valentin Kahl is co-founder of the company ibidi. The company in Martinsried is focused on cell culture requirements and plastic-based microscopy equipment. Valentin Kahl: Cells meet plastics

Physicist Valentin Kahl has won the Innovation Award for German Industry for the work carried out by his biotechnology company ibidi. Among the products from the Martinsried-based company are cell culture vessels made using high-tech plastics, as well as novel biochips

In Potsdam, the biologist Kerstin Kaufmann is investigating the key regulators of blossom development. Source: Kerstin Kaufmann Kerstin Kaufmann: The molecular conductors of the blossom world

Since childhood, Kerstin Kaufmann has been fascinated in the diversity of flowers. At the University of Potsdam, she studies the interplay of important regulators in the development of flowers.

Holger Eickhoff heads Scienion AG. A competitive swimmer in his early days, his speciality today is somewhat smaller quantities of liquid. Holger Eickhoff: the biochip man

Holger Eickhoff is the managing director of the Berlin firm Scienion. Today, the former competitive swimmer is occupied with miniature quantities of liquids. His company Scienion builds devices that create biochips.

Martin Seifert is the managing director Genomatix GmbH and is active in the field of personalised medicine. Martin Seifert: Looking over the sea of genomic data

Biologist Martin Seifert is the managing director of Munich-based Genomatix GmbH, which develops IT solutions for the analysis of genomic data. At this time, Seifert has the world of personalised medicine firmly in his sights.

To produce his valuable fine chemicals, Falk Harnisch electrifies the inhabitants of muddy dwellings. He calls this microbial ‘bioelectrotechnology’. Falk Harnisch: The electrified biotechnologist

The biochemist Falk Harnisch has made it his mission to produce industrial chemicals using current-carrying bacteria. Aided by a BMBF Research Award, he is building up his own working group in Leipzig.

At the Hannover Medical School, Reinhold Förster is studying how immune cells migrate to the lymph nodes. Reinhold Förster: Tracker of the immune system

Reinhold Förster is studying the migration movements of immune cells using the latest techniques in microscopy. The European Research Council ERC is funding his research into cellular activity in the lymph nodes with a seven-figure-euro sum.

Thorsten Eggert, habilitated microbiologist and founder of Evocatal. Thorsten Eggert: The enzyme optimiser

“Just doing research” was not enough for the successful microbiologist. Finding no industrial partner for his optimised enzymes, he took matters into his own hands and founded the Düsseldorf-based company Evocatal, which specialises in the biotechnological production of fine chemicals.

The Würzburg sugar researcher Jürgen Seibel. Jürgen Seibel: The sugar exposes the tumour

Jürgen Seibel’s award for sugar research came somewhat out of the blue. He will now be using his prize money to investigate the sugar molecules on cancer cells – a possible approach for combating tumours.

Jochen Guck is a Professor of Cellular Machines at the Biotechnology Center of the Technical University of Dresden. Jochen Guck: An outsider’s path to the central nervous system

An adaptable outsider: In the course of his career, the physicist Jochen Guck has brought a number of startling discoveries to the world of biotechnology. With a Humboldt Professorship in the bag, he now conducts research at the Technical University of Dresden.

Ingrid Herr researches the therapeutic effects of secondary plant substances. Ingrid Herr: Enlightened approach to cancer prevention

Ingrid Herr is researching not only a cure for cancer, bus is also focused on prevention. She discusses her latest research findings in a recently published brochure.

Thomas Drescher, founder and board member at Jülich-based bioreactor system specialists DASGIP. Thomas Drescher: Parallel operations in the cell lab

Thomas Drescher is one of the founders of the Jülich-based company DASGIP. The bioreactor systems specialists were bought this year by Eppendorf AG – and after Europe and North America is now casting its eye on the Asian markets.

At the OncoRay Centre for Research in Oncology in Dresden, Anna Dubrovska dreams of developing a biomarker for aggressive tumour cells. Anna Dubrovska: A passion for art and cancer genes

The Ukrainian genetic scientist Anna Dubrovska knows what cancer is like from her own family experience. After research sojourns in Sweden and the USA, she is now a Junior Professor at OncoRay in Dresden, where she conducts research into biomarkers.

Christian Kurts is Director of the Institute for Experimental Immunology at University Hospital Bonn. Christian Kurts: The immunologist with a Plan B

Christian Kurts gained international recognition as a postdoc after discovering the cross-presentation mechanism of the immune system. The Bonn-based immunologist was recently awarded the Leibniz Prize.

Leibniz Prize winner Nicholas Rajewsky is setting new standards in systems biology. Nikolaus Rajewsky: making sense of the maths of biology

At the Max Delbrück Center (MDC), Nikolaus Rajewsky is an expert in the creative and productive marriage of systems biology with physics and mathematics. Rajewsky has been awarded the 2012 Leibniz Prize for his work on small RNA molecules.

Günther Höglinger Günter Höglinger: hunting the causes of Parkinson's

His scientific curiosity was first awakened by a trip to the cinema. Today, the neurologist Günter Höglinger is dedicated to one of the greatest mysteries of medicine: the causes of Parkinson's disease.

In 2009 Sven Kerzenmacher from the Institute for Microsystem Technology was awarded the 2500-euro VDE/VDI-Society Microelectronics, Microsystems and Precision Engineering (GMM) Prize. Sven Kerzenmacher: Bioelectricity from blood sugar and sewage sludge

Sven Kerzenmacher researches biofuels at Freiburg's Institute for Microsystem Technology. Whether the electrical current is obtained from glucose or water is all equally interesting for the keen scientist.

Matthias Kieslinger is a junior group leader at the Helmholtz Center Munich. Matthias Kieslinger: Boning up on bone cancer

Biologist Matthias Kieslinger arrived at cancer research through the analysis of blood stem cells in bone marrow. Running like a thread through the career of the Austrian-born scientist is the early B cell factor (EBF).

Gunter Meister is a professor at the Institute of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology at the University of Regensburg. Gunter Meister: RNA in Regensburg

Gunter Meister is investigating whether microRNAs could be used to eliminate dangerous dormant cancer stem cells. The biochemist is a professor at the Institute of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology at the University of Regensburg.

Cordian Beyer heads the Institute for Neuroanatomy at the University Hospital of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule in Aachen. Cordian Beyer: Hormone cocktail for stroke patients

Cordian Beyer, a researcher at its Institute of Neuroanatomy at the RWTH Aachen is researching a hormone therapy for stroke and multiple sclerosis patients.

In July this year, Christoph Kaleta was appointed Junior Professor for Theoretical Systems Biology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Christoph Kaleta: Making data of bacteria

Christoph Kaleta’s work is about understanding the metabolic processes that take place in organisms. The just 28 year-old systems biologist in Jena has the big picture in mind.

54 year-old Alexander Knoll wants to make BioGenes a world leader in HCP assays. Alexander Knoll: Rabbits in the shower

Alexander Knoll is the founder of the Berlin-based biotechnology company BioGenes. After a turbulent beginning for his firm in the post-wall era, BioGenes is now on the path towards world market leadership in quality assurance assays.

Linke discovered that the cholera vaccine also acts to some extent against strains of Escherichia coli (ETEC). Dirk Linke: rubbing shoulders with the enemy

The proteins in cell walls and membranes run like a red thread through Dirk Linke’s research career. The scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tübingen is investigating structures found on the surfaces of related bacteria. The work is part of a targeted search for new vaccines.

Axel Ullrich is the Director of the Department of Molecular Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried. Axel Ullrich: Cancer pioneer and entrepreneur

Axel Ullrich is a pioneer in cancer research, as well as the founder of four different biotechnology companies. The research work by the Head of the Department of Molecular Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry has resulted in four approved cancer drugs.

Thomas Eschenhagen specialises in three-dimensional heart models. Thomas Eschenhagen: Tinkerer of the heart

Thomas Eschenhagen is reconstructing the heart in order to understand it in detail. The heart specialist is also spokesperson for the new German Center for Cardiovascular Research.

Gülsah Gabriel Gülsah Gabriel: closing the door on viruses

The molecular biologist Gülsah Gabriel is tracking down of the amazing adaptability of flu viruses. At the Heinrich Pette Institute in Hamburg, she is working on obstructing the pathogens' path in the nuclei of the host cells.

Peter Pohl is Head of sequencing specialists GATC Biotech, headquartered in Konstanz. The management scientist loves the music of Gustav Mahler. Peter Pohl: Sequencer of the lake

With his penchant for Gustav Mahler, Peter Pohl nearly ended up in cultural management instead of biotechnology. He entered the family business 14 years ago, and today Pohl is President of GATC Biotech AG and an expert on DNA sequencing.

Paul Saftig is one of the three directors of the Institute of Biochemistry at the University of Kiel. Paul Saftig: Blunting the Alzheimer's scissors

Paul Saftig is a specialist in the development of Alzheimer's. The Director of the Institute of Biochemistry at the University of Kiel has discovered that blocking the causes of the neurodegenerative disease is not straightforwardly possible. This is because many of the Alzheimer's enzymes also have a useful side.

Gitte Neubauer ist studierte Biochemikerin und eine der Gründerinnen des Proteomik-Spezialisten Cellzome in Heidelberg. Gitte Neubauer: Proteome pioneer

Zusammen mit Kollegen aus dem renommierten molekularbiologischen EMBL-Forschungslabor in Heidelberg wagte Gitte Neubauer im Jahr 2000 mit Cellzome den Sprung ins Unternehmertum. Heute ist die Firma weltweit führend, wenn es um die Bestimmung der Proteine in der Zelle geht.

Matthias Rögner is Professor of Plant Biochemistry at the Ruhr University in Bochum. Matthias Rögner: Sustainable energy from cyanobacteria

Wasserstoff könnte in Zukunft zum wichtigen Energieträger werden. Matthias Rögner von der Ruhr-Universität Bochum arbeitet daran, das begehrte Gas von Cyanobakterien produzieren zu lassen.

The medical professor Jutta Gärtner heads the children's clinic at the University Medical Centre Göttingen. Jutta Gärtner: Tracking down dementia in children

Jutta Gärtner sees herself primarily as a doctor, and then as a researcher. The medical professor at the University Hospital Göttingen is searching for the causes of dementia in children and adolescents. Thereby, she frequently encounters conditions that are yet to be given a name.

Rainer Hedrich, Professor of Botany at the Julius von Sachs Institute of Biosciences of the University of Würzburg. Rainer Hedrich: Can plants feel?

Even plants have a form of nervous system. Rainer Hedrich is an expert in ion channels, and thus also in the electrical signal transmission used in plants. He is currently trying to shed light on the unique qualities of the ultra-responsive Venus Fly Trap.

One of the pioneers of epigenetics in Germany: Heinrich Leonhardt investigates how the reading of genes in cells is controlled by chemical modifications. Heinrich Leonhardt: Deciphering the epigenetic codes

Heinrich Leonhardt is one of Germany's best-known experts in the rapidly growing branch of epigenetics. Since 2002, Leonhardt has been conducting studies into the chemical modification of hereditary material at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich.

Alexander Gottschalk has been Heisenberg Professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main since March 2010. Alexander Gottschalk: Remote controlling nematodes with light

Alexander Gottschalk, Heisenberg Professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, is a researcher of the nematode nervous system. Using his expertise in optogenetics, he can use light to switch individual neurons on and off.

Milton Stubbs, Professor of Physical Biotechnology at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg. Milton T. Stubbs: Structural biologist with an interdisciplinary passion

Milton T. Stubbs conducts research into how the shape of proteins affects their function. The expert in X-ray crystallography is a Professor at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

Simon Moroney studied chemistry in his native New Zealand. He founded Morphosys in 1992 in Martinsried, Bavaria. Simon Moroney: Fishing for antibodies with MorphoSys

Simon E. Moroney was born in New Zealand. This proved no barrier when founding the biotechnology company MorphoSys in Bavaria, and taking it public in 1999.

Hendrik Dietz says that he has a strongly visual imagination – useful for designing amino acid-based nanostructures. Hendrik Dietz: Making tiny components with DNA

Hendrik Dietz nennt es "Basteln und Stricken". Als jüngster Physik-Professor an der Technischen Universität in München will er aus Aminosäuren Stück für Stück maßgeschneiderte Eiweiße bauen.

Veit Hornung is professor at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology of the University Clinic in Bonn. Veit Hornung: How the immune system recognises enemies

When it comes to the innate immune system, Veit Hornung is an expert. The Bonn-based researcher is a recent recipient of one of the coveted Starting Grants from the European Research Council, and is planning to establish a company together with his colleagues.

Stefanie Dimmeler is a Professor of Molecular Cardiology at the University of Frankfurt and is engaged in a hunt for RNA fragments that play a role in cardiovascular disease. Stefanie Dimmeler: On the hunt for RNA snippets

Stefanie Dimmeler is an expert in the small snippets of genetic material known as microRNAs. The Professor of Molecular Cardiology at the University of Frankfurt is primarily interested in the snippets that play a role in cardiovascular disease.

Wilfried Weber has accepted a professorship in synthetic biology at the university of Freiburg. Wilfried Weber Tracking down the signalling pathways

Wilfried Weber has accepted a Freiburg professorship in synthetic biology. His goal is not only to understand the signalling pathways within the cell, but also to reconstruct them. Such work could help create bacteria that are no longer resistant to antibiotics.

Olaf Kruse: The algae researcher wants to develop a holistic approach to the production of green energy. Olaf Kruse: Bioenergy from microalgae

How can energy be extracted from algae? Olaf Kruse has been occupied with this question for many years. Now the Professor of Algal Biotechnology at the University of Bielefeld is looking for ways to make this happen that might be interesting for business.

Jens Brüning is a geneticist at the University of Cologne. Jens Brüning: Builder of bridges in genetics

Jens Brüning has been active in the area of insulin for many years. At the University of Cologne, geneticists are working to uncover the role played by the hormone in obesity or Alzheimer's. 

Before his career as a scientist and company founder, Horst Lindhofer attempted to forge a life in music. His biggest hit "Pogo in Togo" stormed the charts in the 80s. Horst Lindhofer: Musical cancer fighter

Horst Lindhofer reached the top of the charts with his band "United Balls”, before making an unlikely career move into antibody research. He has now developed a cancer drug that utilises the body’s own immune system.

Ursprünglich wollte Holger Zinke Bauingenieur werden. Nun baut er Brücken von der Biologie in die Industrie. Holger Zinke: white biotechnology pioneer

Holger Zinke’s German Environmental Prize is not out of the blue. The biologising of industry, the utilisation of eco-friendly biocatalysts - these were on Zinke’s agenda 15 years ago, even before the phrase white biotechnology had ever passed anyone’s lips.

Before unique double-stranded structure of the Gemini virus was finally confirmed to be true, Holger Jeske’s model of two joined icosahedra met with much scepticism. Holger Jeske: Working with the dangerous twins

When the Gemini virus, also known as the twin virus, strikes, it can pose serious risk to entire harvests. Almost all of the major field crops are susceptible to the disease. A Gemini virus was described for the first time by molecular biologist Holger Jeske.

Has founded the Leipzig company c-LEcta: Marc Struhalla. Marc Struhalla: A quicker search for enzymes

Five years ago, whilst at the University of Leipzig, Marc Struhalla and his researcher colleague Thomas Greiner-Stöffele were feeling somewhat pressed for time. "For eight weeks, we had been busy looking for specific enzymes, using the normal methods of the day, and without success," recalls Struhalla. This period provided the trigger for their invention. "We were simply not willing to invest a further three months in the search. That is why we consciously began to look for an alternative approach," says Struhalla. And this is exactly what they succeeded in doing: A completely new technique for screening enzymes. Based on this work, the two researchers founded the company c-LEcta, which now employs 24 people. Struhalla: "Our discovery offered us a unique opportunity. It was not something we could turn away from!”

Oliver Ullrich is Germany's first Professor of Space Biotechnology. Oliver Ullrich: Illuminating the life of cells in outer space

What happens to human cells when astronauts leave the Earth's atmosphere is largely a mystery. Researchers have known for a long time that weightlessness affects the immune system - sometimes with fatal consequences. "Technically, we are able to survive in space for months at a time, and it is likely that people will fly to Mars in the first half of this century. But even today, we do not even understand the simplest processes and operations in human cells that are triggered by weightlessness," says Oliver Ullrich. For this reason, the life scientist has dedicated himself to a highly particular field of research: space biotechnology. In October 2007, he became the first professor in this field in Germany.

Tobias Hartmann is a dedicated Alzheimer's researcher, and is hoping to find ways to stop the disease. Tobias Hartmann: Arresting Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is an insidious disease. The patient inevitably loses their memory, which is followed inevitably by dementia, and then death. But how inevitable is this process really? "I get excited to meet Alzheimer’s patients who could see the progress of the disease halted with our new treatment. This would really be an achievement," says Tobias Hartmann. A few years ago, the biologist revealed how the development of Alzheimer's was related to the lipid metabolism. Today, at the University Hospital of Saarland’s Institute of Neurobiology, he is developing a therapy that he believes could halt the progress of the disease.

Joachim Hauber is a professor at the Heinrich Pette Institute in Hamburg, and has been researching HIV for 20 years. Joachim Hauber: Driving HIV out of its hideaway

"This is a special thrill: If we succeed in finding a new treatment for HIV with one of our approaches, then that would be an unbeatable feeling!” Joachim Hauber, a professor at the Heinrich Pette Institute for Experimental Virology and Immunology at the University of Hamburg has dedicated his entire life as a researcher to a single goal: Combating the AIDS pathogen. The biologist holds particular hope for one of his projects, which may yet lead to the development of a new weapon against HIV. He has found a method – at least in the laboratory – of tracking down, detecting and destroying the virus in its favourite hiding place. With financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), he is now aiming to develop a therapy.

Dr. Carsten Mehring Carsten Mehring: From physicist to expert on brain prostheses

The idea of connecting machines directly to the human brain would seem to many like an idea straight out of science fiction. However, Carsten Mehring at the University of Freiburg is planning to do just this, and it’s no fiction, but cutting-edge science fact. The head of the "Computational Motor Control & Brain-machine Interfaces" working group is hoping to develop a prosthesis that can be controlled from the brain, thereby improving the operating ability for the most disabled patients. The 34-year-old prodigy has already managed to convince the jury from the GO-Bio competition, begun in 2006 by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), of the potential of this project.

Ulrich Rothbauer has developed mini antibodies that can be used as a detection tool in living cells. Ulrich Rothbauer: Alpaca antibodies for the pharmaceutical industry

Time permitting, alongside his main work on enzymes that play a key role in gene regulation, Rothbauer also conducted research on a certain kind of small antibody found in alpacas, a South American camelid. Somewhat unexpectedly, the doctoral biologist from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU) succeeded in making a scientific breakthrough with this other work, which was ultimately little more than a side project. Building on the alpaca antibodies, he found a way of using the immune molecules as a detection tool in living cells, a task for which normal antibodies are simply too large. "That was a laboratory highlight for me, especially when you consider the frustration that’s often involved in this line of work," recalls the 37-year-old. "It’s really something special, to be breaking new ground, seeing something that nobody has seen before." Now, the researcher wants to start a company, which will sell the new analysis methods and biomarkers to the pharmaceutical industry. With this idea, he was also able to convince the jury of the GO-Bio Competition from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In autumn 2007, it was announced that Rothbauer was one of the nine winners.

Prof. Max Löhning, Experimental Immunology at the Charité, Berlin, previously at the University Hospital of Zurich. Max Löhning: A strong eye on the immune system memory

Max Löhning pursues his goals calmly and in a well thought-out manner. Piece by piece, Löhning is bringing clarity to the bewildering world of the body's immune system. In doing so, the immunologist is delving deep into the cells on a molecular level. Only then will the 38-year-old - currently a professor at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin – be able to answer the burning questions that drive him forward. The most important of these is: How does the human immune system actually remember the pathogens that it has previously encountered? And how can this knowledge be therapeutically applied?

The biologist Ingo Grunwald has made his name in the field of bionics. Ingo Grunwald: Mussel glue and antifreeze lacquer

Even when on holiday, Ingo Grunwald can’t quite let go of his work. Not long ago, the biologist took some time off from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Applied Materials Research (IFAM) to travel to Denmark with his wife and two young sons, where they stayed in a small cottage on the coast. There, whilst walking along the beach, he found some mussels, put them in a bucket and took them home. The mussels then became the presumably unwilling subjects of a series of small tests. "By the end of the holiday, there wasn’t a single implement or object in the cottage that I hadn’t subjected the mussels to," recalls Grunwald half a year later. The end result: When they made their way out of the shells, the mussels were able to stick firmly to everything they came into contact with. "It’s amazing," says Grunwald, "the mussels were not to be budged, even from a brand new Teflon pan. No known glue can stick to Teflon whilst in saltwater.”

Dr. Michael Weyand Michael Weyand: Between the laboratory and the business plan

Researching during the day, developing financial plans in the evening – Dr. Michael Weyand from the Chemical Genomics Centre Dortmund can’t complain about a lack of variety. Together with three colleagues, the chemist is taking a path from the laboratory into the business world. The business idea - a new kind of pesticide – has got not only many scientists convinced but also the juries of a number of founder competitions. In 2006, the GO-Bio prize from the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) was added to his list of honours. This means that his idea could soon become a reality.

Inge Broer: Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science at Rostock University. Inge Broer: Keeping a cool head on dangerous terrain

Every day in her work, Inge Broer has to walk through a topical minefield. Broer was one of the first scientists to work with genetically modified plants – a controversial area of research that occasionally comes under concerted attack from passionate opponents. In this field, you need to keep a cool head above all. Indeed, the Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science at Rostock University refuses to resort to polemics. What ultimately counts for Broer is the scientific justification, no matter if it weighs for or against genetic engineering.

Peter Seeberger, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Federal Institute of Technology Zürich. Peter Seeberger: Sweet attack on malaria

When Peter Seeberger is confronted with a problem, he grapples with it until it’s solved. In this way the 38 year old German has already achieved a great deal. At one time, the graduate of Chemistry aspired to attain a doctorate at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zuerich, Switzerland. Now, he holds there the Chair as Professor for Organic Chemistry and is considered an expert in the field of synthetic manufacturing of sugar compounds. With this, Seeberger hopes to make gains in the field of medicine: for example with a vaccine against the tropical disease malaria. Now, Seeberger was honoured for his achievements with the 2007 Körber Prize. The official ceremony for the 750,000-euro award took place on 7 September in Hamburg.

Hannelore Daniel is the Director of the Zentralinstitutes für Ernährungsforschung (Central Institute for Nutrition Research) at the Technical University München und current holder of the Chair of Nutrition Physiology at the Technical University. Hannelore Daniel: The energetic designer of nutrition research

"I am an Aries – I simply must get my way", says Hannelore Daniel of herself. The Director of the Central Institute for Nutrition Research at the TU Munich has shaped nutrition sciences in Germany more than almost any other scientist. The fact that the discipline has emerged from the sometimes-mocked domestic economy and, in the meantime, is taken just as seriously as molecular biology or genetics can be traced in large part to her pioneering work and assertiveness. Occasionally, she also makes good use of more unorthodox methods: "If I am speaking before consumer protection groups about agrobiotechnology, I eat a gram of DNA, in order to show that genes are not actually harmful perse."

Dietmar Fischer is a Junior Professor at the University Clinic, Ulm. Dietmar Fischer: A far-reaching coincidence

In the beginning, coincidence led the way when the doctorand Dietmar Fischer discovered something quite unbelievable, i.e. that injured nerve cells can regenerate themselves if the lens in the eye has been damaged some time beforehand. This was seven years ago. Since then, Fischer, now Junior Professor at the University Clinic, Ulm, has dedicated his working life to uncovering the mechanism that forms the basis of this process. If this can be achieved, the pharmacist hopes to use the knowledge to develop treatments for various conditions. The animal model has produced many promising results, and in the process, the 35-year-old researcher even managed to discover a new gene.

Andreas Radbruch, as the Scientific Director of the German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ) in Berlin, is taking care of the stepchild rheumatology. Andreas Radbruch: keeping order amidst chaos of the immune system

Andreas Radbruch shares the dream of many immunologists: The Scientific Director of the German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ) in Berlin is hoping to help sufferers of immune-related diseases with therapies which not only treat the symptoms, but actually get to the root of the problem and promise a cure. So far, in view of the complex interaction of the huge variety of cells and signal materials in the body’s immune defence system, such a cure is not yet available. Radbruch is hoping to change this and, piece-by-piece, he is bringing order to this molecular confusion. But the 54-year-old is not only busy in the realm of science: he has also acted as godfather in the establishment of two German biotech companies.

Stefan Hell’s discoveries have turned the world of physics on its head, and he’s now hoping that biomedical scientists will start a revolution on the basis of his work. Stefan Hell: Biophysics’ determined lateral thinker

Stefan Hell has always felt perfectly happy to break ranks. The physicist at the Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany, has made a career out of looking where others have not though to look – and in the process repeatedly unearthing highly valuable finds. This ability to think laterally has brought its rewards: In 2002 Hell revealed a new type of optical microscope, with which living cells could be observed with undreamt-of sharpness, and, in doing so, demolished a previously unquestioned physical law. For this work, Hell was presented with the German Future Prize, presented by German Federal President Horst Köhler at a ceremony on 23rd November.

Martin Hrabé de Angelis founded the world’s first ‘mouse clinic’ at the GSF Research Center for Environment and Health. Martin Hrabé de Angelis: Commuting between worlds

Martin Hrabé de Angelis is not somebody who is happy occupying a single world. Regardless of what he is doing, whether it’s as a drummer in a jazz band, as a surfer riding the waves or as a biologist in the laboratory - this slight man has a knack for pulling others along with him and inspiring them with his passion. As a scientist, the 41-year old has dedicated himself to the systematic analysis of mouse genes, with the aim of increasing the understanding of human illnesses. In 2001 he achieved a coup: within the framework of the German National Genome Research Network (Nationales Genomforschungsnetz, NGFN), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), he was able to establish the world’s first mouse clinic at the GSF Research Center for Environment and Health in Neuherberg.

Biochemist Dr. Ute Krämer has her eyes on plants which have developed a distinct appetite for metal. Ute Krämer: Chasing up the mechanisms of herbal metal-eaters

Ute Krämer is not a scientist who had her career planned-out from the outset. Ten years ago in Oxford, England, and somewhat by accident, the biochemist discovered her specialty: Plants that can pull heavy metals from the soil in high concentrations and enrich them in their leaves. Since then, the 36-year-old has contributed crucially to the understanding of the biochemical processes behind these metal-munching plants. Step by step, the natural-sciences researcher has smoothed the way to a means of cleaning metal-contaminated soils in a natural way.

Back to Germany: Nikolaus Rajewsky, Professor for Bioinformatics at New York University. Nikolaus Rajewsky: How a theoretical physicist became a revolutionary

Sparking a revolution is not something that Nikolaus Rajewsky had ever contemplated. Nevertheless, the professor at New York University, is regarded as having  begun a revolution in his field in the course of his young career. The 37 year old German develops highly efficiently computer models which analyze molecular activity in the cell nucleus. With the results that the models produce, the bioinformatics expert has turned biology on its head and he is now, among other things, looking for new methods for the treatment of complex diseases. This summer, Rajewsky will be returning to Germany to begin work at the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin.

Franz Ulrich Hartl is the director of the Department for Cellular Biochemistry at the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried. Franz-Ulrich Hartl: Illuminating the role of the chaperone of the proteins

For Franz Ulrich Hartl, butterflies and single-celled organisms were already a subject of great fascination as a child. Hours were spent dissecting these wonders, or examining them under a microscope. Today, Hartl is the director of the Department for Cellular Biochemistry at the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried and is an expert in the world of proteins. The 49-year old has breathed life into a fundamental mystery: How the long-chain molecules in the cell, which are essential for the body, actually assemble themselves into their three-dimensional form, in order to become active. Now, he has been distinguished for this discovery with the 2006 Koerber prize, worth 750,000 Euros.

Ulrike Lindequist is the Managing Director of the Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Greifswald. Ulrike Lindequist: A pharmaceutical view of nature

Ulrike Lindequist doesn’t make a great play of her work as a researcher. However, the Managing Director of the Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Greifswald shouldn’t be modest. The Natural Substances expert has just been involved in bringing a skin cream to the market which protects against multi-resistant bacteria, the active ingredient of which was discovered in seaweed.

Patrick Cramer, Director of the Gene Center, Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich Patrick Cramer: In the molecular depths of the cell nucleus

The parents of Patrick Cramer couldn’t have foreseen that the birthday present for her young son, a home chemistry set, would be a catalyst for an undreamt-of-career. And yet, two years ago, Cramer became Director of the Gene Center at Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich. It’s there that the 37 year old German burrows into the molecular depths of the cell nucleus to uncover the mechanisms behind the construction of proteins.

Henning Walczak, Biologist at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. Henning Walczak: the cell’s self-destruction plan laid bare

It is not often that somebody opts out of a subject at school and then later becomes an expert in the field. There are other respects in which Henning Walczak, a biologist at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, is a rather untypical scientist. Unlike many in his field, he sees his research from an entrepreneurial perspective and, with this, knows all about the ebb and flow of the marketplace.

Dr. Daniel Gerlich, Institute for Biochemistry at the ETH, Zürich Daniel Gerlich: A biologist without blinkers

Daniel Gerlich knows a fair bit about interdisciplinary research. The young scientist at the Institute for Biochemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH), is primarily a systems biologist, and he’s made it his mission to combine specific methods from biology and computer science. At present, the 33-year old is working to quantify living cell division processes, which are then modeled in the computer. With the results, he hopes to supply cancer researchers with fundamental information about cell behaviour.

Complete list


The biochar-inoculum - a special substrate from biochar with microscopic fungi - skewers into young plant roots, protecting them from disease later.

Fungus biochar - nature's fertilizer

German fungus researchers from Tübingen have developed a special substrate of biochar that will help young plants to take root and to sustainably protect against diseases.

Breeding ground for yeast strains: in this fermenter, the yeasts are always kept under the same temperature and pressure conditions.

Storing and protecting active compounds with yeasts

The Berlin-based company Organobalance has developed a process that protects compounds such as vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids with a natural casing.

Cells with built-in bitter receptors as taste testers: within the strategic alliance NatLifE 2020, biotechnologists are searching for natural ingredients.

Natural substances to mask bitter tastes

Cough mixtures that taste sweet, but are still healthy - natural sweeteners suche as these are in the focus of the strategic alliance NatLifE 2020.The consortium of 22 partners from industry and academia have received millions of euros from the BMBF.

Microshoots of the pawpaw tree: from seedlings to young plants is a long process

Helping the pawpaw breakthrough

The fruit tree Asimina triloba has been known for its nutritious fruit for a long time. German plant researchers are now working on propagating the pawpaw in the laboratory to make them fit for the fruit farm.

This chocolate ice cream is not made from cow's milk but produced using protein from the blue sweet lupin. The ice cream is vegan and velvet.

Lupin ice cream: a sustainable dessert

The answer for all vegan and lactose-intolerant ice cream fans: a special treat is now available in the freezer section in many supermarkets – lupin ice cream. The vegetable protein that the ice cream is based on is produced using a sophisticated technology, which recently won the German Future Prize.

Researchers in Mainz have identified a bio-silicate in marine sponges (pictured: Late Baikal sponge) that is suitable as a coating for dental and bone implants.

Biological protective sheathing for teeth

Nature is a virtuoso of new biomaterials: Researchers in Mainz have discovered a bio-silicate in marine sponges that is highly suited as a coating for dental and bone implants.

Great quantities of previously unused carbon are hidden away in industrial wastewater and sewage sludge. The strategic alliance ZeroCarbonFootprint is working to tap this resource as a source of raw materials for innovative products.

Precious single cell oils born of waste water

Slumbering in industrial waste and sewage is an abundance of untapped carbons. The ‘ZeroCarbonFootprint’ strategic alliance brings together partners from research and industry with the joint aim of unlocking waste as a source of raw materials for innovative products. The star of the show: some extremely useful microorganisms.

GNA Biosolutions provides the required reagents and DNA-coated gold nanoparticles in cartridge form.

Laser-powered turbo PCR

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of biotechnologists’ most important tools. A new technique can now greatly speed up the molecular copying process.

The seeds of the caper spurge (E. lathyris) contain up to 50 percent fatty oil. This makes them ideally suited for use in fuels, a concept now being investigated by researchers in Gatersleben.

Biofuels: it’s all in the milk

Components from the sap of the caper spurge plant could be an ingredient in future biofuels. And because the plant grows well in poor soils, there would be no competition with food crops.

Enzymes are already a key component in detergents. In future, they will also help to remove the knots that can build up on synthetic fibres.

Polishing up synthetic fibres with enzymes

New detergent enzymes that can nibble away at unwanted fibrous clumps on synthetic textiles – this is one of the goals of the BMBF-funded strategic alliance ‘Functionalisation of Polymers – FuPol’.

A tobacco protein factory: The molecular blueprint for a specific protein molecule is transported into the leaves on a viral taxi. The plants then go on to produce large quantities of the protein (shown here in glowing green fluorescent protein GFP).

Green antibody factories take the fight to cancer and Ebola

The antibody cocktail ZMapp is seen as the great hope in the fight against Ebola. The therapeutic proteins for the medicine are produced in tobacco plants. The green production technology was developed by the Halle-based company Icon Genetics GmbH, with support from the German Federal Ministry of Research.

Tracking microbial production in bioreactors using smart technology as well as direct evaluations of the quality of the resulting products – these are the goals of the new strategic alliance in industrial biotechnology

Real-time quality checks for bioreactors

The central production facility for the field of biotechnology is the bioreactor. In a BMBF-funded strategic alliance, researchers from industry and academia are working on new strategies to make the complex production processes inside these reactors more efficient and sustainable.

The researchers want to depict molecular processes in cells more accurately using superimpositions of fluorescence microscopy recordings of the cytoskeleton (grey) with high-resolution reconstructions produced by chemically controlled probes (yellow-red).

Chemical probes to out-sleuth HIV

German researchers are working to further develop fluorescence microscopy in a BMBF-funded collaborative project in the area of photonics. Using chemically controlled probes, they hope to shed an entirely fresh light on HIV.

The new gluten test: the precise quantity of gluten components can be measured as a function of the luminous intensity.

Illuminating foods for gluten

Researchers are working to develop an optical rapid test that is hoped to enable the detection of even the smallest traces of gluten in foods.

This proud Simmental – going by the name of Steinadler (Golden Eagle) – bears all the magnificent qualities of an ideal breeding bull. Animal geneticists in Munich have developed a new kind of genetic test that can assist in the selection of fertile breeding bulls.

Breeding bulls: Genetic test highlights infertility

Veterinarians have demonstrated the existence of a genetic defect in cattle that can cause infertility in otherwise perfectly healthy bulls. A new genetic test is aimed at improving the selection of breeding animals.

Even infants that are not breastfed could soon be drinking health-promoting human milk sugars derived from natural breast milk. The special substance is manufactured by bioengineers at the company Jennewein.

Milk sugar for healthy baby foods

With a little help from some special microorganisms, the family-run company Jennewein Biotechnologie manufactures sugar molecules otherwise only naturally found in breast milk. The company is strongly expanding its production capacity as well as seeking European approval for a product hoped to arrive on the market in 2014.

The Biocatalysis 2021 project ¬P29 is focused on enzyme engineering based on expansion of the genetic code.

Designer enzymes from exotic building blocks

Nature uses 20 different amino acids as building blocks for proteins. With the assistance of a few molecular biological slights-of-hand, however, it is possible to create significantly higher number of different types of amino acids.

The basic principle of the sensor is energy transfer between fluorescent dyes: If a specific substance blocks this transfer by binding to an aptamer, the sensor turns green instead of red.

Nano-sensor for pharma-free water

A new kind of nano-sensor concept based on fluorescent bacterial proteins can quickly and easily detect drug- and heavy metal residues in water. German scientists are also part of the scientific team in the joint project Aptasens.

The white insides of orange peel, also known as citrus albedo, was previously considered an unusable waste material. Researchers in German Westphalia now want to use the substance in the production of a clouding agent for beverages.

Orange peel for opaque lemonade

Lemonade remains cloudy through the use of special additives. Biotechnologists at the University of East Westphalia-Lippe are working to create the safe effect using the white insides of orange peel.

Various types of corn hybrids from wild and domesticated lines. It is not left to chance whether the crossing is fruitful – or not.

Understanding the power of corn hybrids

The offspring of crossed species of corn lines are frequently very high-yielding. A German research network is hoping to shed some light on this effect and to accelerate the breeding process.

For Simmental cows, dark circles around the eyes are likely to be a sign of health in the hotter countries. They provide protection from UV rays and eye cancer. Researchers in Munich have decoded the hereditary pattern of the bovine eyespots. The data will be of particular interest for breeders in sunnier countries.

Cattle breeding: Sunglasses for cooler cows

Simmental cows usually have pure white fur on their heads. The animals with brown fur around the eyes are better protected from UV rays and cancer. Geneticists in the research cluster Synbreed have decoded the hereditary pattern of the dark circles around the eyes.

The goal of the 1000 Genomes Project was to identify clear genetic differences between humans. This has now being achieved after the international consortium deciphered and analysed more than a thousand human genomes.

1000 Genomes Project: a molecular world survey

The 1000 Genomes Project has presented its genetic map of the world. To do this, the participating researchers deciphered the genetic makeup of 1,092 individuals, with two German sequencing laboratories making a significant contribution.

Automated laboratory platforms can check thousands of substances in just a few hours. The ‘AutoBio’ network is hoping that more steps in the bioprocess development can be undertaken by machines.

Automating biotechnological processes

It currently takes about five to eight years to develop a biotechnological process. In the collaborative project ‘AutoBio’, companies and academic researchers are working towards more fully automated developmental sub-steps to save time and costs.

A leaf-nosed bat in flight. Specimens from Ghana are among those being investigated by the researchers in Bonn.

The virus research into bats

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a zoonotic disease that is transmitted by bats. A joint research project is now examining how the virus is able to jump the species barrier from animals to humans.

To reach their full potential, the bacterial strains are genetically altered in the laboratory. This enables ab increase in the bacteria’s production rates of proteins and enzymes or a minimisation of unwanted by-products.

Peak performance through a molecular diet

In the cooperative project P27, researchers at the university of Greifswald are working on the genetic optimisation of Bacillus subtitis, the grass bacillus.

The natural habitat of the moss Physcomitrella patens is in North America and Eurasia.

Pulmonary medicine from a moss bioreactor

Researchers at the University of Gießen and the Freiburg company greenovation are developing a therapy for Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a serious reaction to lung injuries. The required protein-based drugs are manufactured with the assistance of a moss.

The microchips soon to be used for tumour surveillance are barely half the size of your little finger.

Tumour surveillance by microchip

Cancer needs oxygen in order to spread. A sensor chip currently under development by scientists at the TU Munich is designed to monitor oxygen concentrations in the vicinity of tumours, and warn ­doctors if a cancer becomes active.

As a matter of necessity, the production of stem cell medicines takes place in clean rooms.

Living medicines from the pharmaceutical forge

Die Münchener Apceth GmbH hat sich auf die Entwicklung von stammzellbasierten Therapien spezialisiert, die bei der Behandlung der arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit zum Einsatz kommen.

With a total of 500 fermenters and a pilot plant, the University of Hohenheim is one of the leading research locations for biogas production.

Pure biogas from deepwater conditions

Biogas of natural gas quality: At the University of Hohenheim, researchers are simulating the conditions of the deep sea to produce pure and inexpensive biogas.

A three-dimensional partial reconstruction of an adult heart muscle cell that has been dyed with an optical sensor. Visible here are the complex, network-like structures of cell membrane indentations. The optical signals created in these indentations are measured at CordiLux.

Testing drugs with light

Some drugs work effectively, but can damage the heart. At the University of Saarland, a group of molecular cell biologists headed by Peter Lipp has developed an optical approach to drug testing. Another original aspect to their work is that instead of using animal experiments, the scientists at CordiLux work with adult myocardial cell cultures.

Expectant mothers must take care to avoid real or perceived harm; serious stress can lead to changes in the child-to-be’s genome.

Pregnancy: Violence leaves epigenetic traces

The children of mothers who have been exposed to domestic violence during pregnancy exhibit a higher genetic predisposition to behavioural problems and mental disorders. This is one conclusion of a BMBF-funded project from scientists in Constance. 

Using lupin proteins means that fat content in sausages can be reduced to just 5 percent. The classic sausage texture and flavour is retained, however.

Plant-based liver sausage

First there was ‘Lupinesse’, the ice cream made from pure vegetable ingredients, and now the Fraunhofer researchers are hoping to bring animal fat-free liver sausage and bologna to the supermarket counters.

The company GATC Biotech can identify the superfluous third chromosome on the basis of an examination of DNA fragments from the child in the mother's blood.

Trisomy 21: pre-birth testing by blood sample

Down's syndrome is the most common genetic disease. Detecting Trisomy 21 in unborn babies routinely necessitates a cell extraction procedure. Now a genetic test has been developed that can make do with only a small blood sample from the mother.

Biondi and his colleagues have crystallised the proteins to study the shape of the kinases. Using X-rays, they are able to explore the corresponding proteins in three dimensions.

Reaching into the pocket of the kinases

Protein kinases, an important class of enzymes, are associated with both the development of cancer and with diabetes. Researchers in Frankfurt working within the GO-Bio Initiative are now researching ways of controlling the kinases.

The milk-like fat emulsion from the Jena nutrition researchers is baked into omega-3 whole-grain bread.

Stable fats for healthier bread

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are beneficial for health, but the health-promoting substances are chemically extremely unstable. A research network is hoping to alter the fatty acids for processing into food ­additives.

Biochips from the laser printer. Instead of colour pigments, printed here are protein building block peptides - to customer specification.

Peptides from the laser printer

Biochips are used to diagnose diseases, test drugs, or search for new cancer therapies. But as useful as they are, the standard production approach is extremely complicated and expensive. Researchers in Heidelberg have thus opted to take an entirely different approach: Printed biochips.

In a natural bioprocess, bacteria can convert limonene into perillic acid.

Cosmetics from orange peel

Oranges are not just for orange juice. The skin can also be used as a raw material for a form of natural preservative for cosmetics, a process that researchers are now preparing for industrial application.

The dye contained in turmeric roots is not easily absorbed by the body.

Turmeric spices up drug development

Folk medicine in India has known for centuries of the healing properties of turmeric. A research network headed by scientists in Hohenheim is now hoping to clarify how turmeric can better smuggled to where it could be useful into the body.

In the search for biomarkers, the scientists in Greifswald are greatly dependent on modern mass spectrometers.

From biomarkers to tailor-made therapies

Medicines do not work equally well for all patients, which is why intensive research is being carried out into tailor-made therapies. A consortium has now been formed in Greifswald that is aimed at advancing the development of individualised therapies.

Biobanks are used to store many types of samples, most frequently blood-, tissue-, or DNA samples.

Central register for German biobanks

Many thousands of samples are stored in German biobanks. In most cases to date, researchers have had to search through the many databases one after the other. A national registry is now set to facilitate research work in this area.

Complete list