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The German Biotechnology Sector 2011

Biotechnologie Firmenumfrage 2011 <ic:message key='Bild vergrößern' />

Higher turnover, record financing and a growing number of employees - the German biotechnology sector is growing. These are the central results of the company survey carried out at the beginning of 2011 by the information platform biotechnologie.de on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


The German biotechnology sector is growing. Companies are delivering new products and efficient processes, all of which are increasingly in demand following a politically implemented energetic turnaround, as well as in the light of cost pressures in the health system. This is supported by a higher turnover of 2.4 billion euros (+9%), record financing of 700 million euros (+122%), and a growing number of employees in the commercial biotechnology sector to around 32,500 (+3%).

Key figures of the biotech sector in GermanyLightbox-Link
Key figures of the biotech sector in GermanyQuelle: biotechnologie.de

The total number of dedicated biotechnology companies is also rising (538). In 2010, expenditure on research and development stayed at around one billion euros (-3%).These are the central findings of the company survey carried out at the beginning of 2011 by the information platform biotechnologie.de on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). All of the data are in compliance with the guidelines of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD; see pages 26 ff for methodology). According to the survey, at 538, the number of companies occupied primarily with biotechnology in 2010 is slightly higher than 2009 (531). Alongside this, the number of employees also rose to 15,480 (2009: 14,950). An increase could also be seen in the number of companies where biotechnology represents just one aspect of business activities. The biotech-related areas of these 125 companies (2009: 114) counted a total of 17,000 employees (2009: 16,650).



The biotechnology company survey has been conducted by biotechnologie.de for the sixth time now. The time period over which the assessment has been carried out was January to March, 2011.  Out of the total 757 contacted firms,  616 participated in the survey – which is a response rate of 81%. The cutoff date for the information included in the survey was 31.12.2010.          

Companies with their main focus predominantly or exclusively on biotechnology are classified as biotechnology companies. In this report they are referred to as dedicated biotech companies. Firms that are a majority-owned subsidiary of a non-German parent company but have a business address in Germany and perform R&D were also included.

This approach is orientated along the statistical guidelines of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from 2004.

The use of all content is free of charge and is permitted only if the source (biotechnologie.de) is stated.


The German Biotechnology Sector 2011 

biotechnologie.de, April 2011. German/English  Download PDF (2,8 MB) PDF online ansehen

The German Biotechnology Sector 2010

biotechnologie.de, April 2010. German/English Download PDF (3,2 MB) PDF online ansehen

The German Biotechnology Sector 2009

biotechnologie.de, Mai 2009. German/English Download PDF (3,8 MB) PDF online ansehen

The German Biotechnology Sector 2008

biotechnologie.de, Mai 2008 Download PDF (4,7 MB) PDF online ansehen