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Orange peel for opaque lemonade

The white insides of orange peel, also known as citrus albedo, was previously considered an unusable waste material. Researchers in German Westphalia now want to use the substance in the production of a clouding agent for beverages. <ic:message key='Bild vergrößern' />
The white insides of orange peel, also known as citrus albedo, was previously considered an unusable waste material. Researchers in German Westphalia now want to use the substance in the production of a clouding agent for beverages. Source: Joujou/pixelio.de

25.10.2013  - 

Clouding agents have long been used in the manufacture of drinks such as orange lemonade or bitter lemon. There are problems associated with their use, however, namely that the substances commonly used have a bitter taste all of their own and frequently lose their clouding effect (turbidity) after some time. In a research project by biotechnologist Jürgen Rabenhorst and his team at the Department of Life Science Technologies of the University of East Westphalia-Lippe (OWL), studies are underway on a new form of natural, broadly applicable and stable turbidity system that is based on citrus fruit. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the project with around 320,000 euros as a part of the ‘FhprofUnd’ funding initiative, which focuses on joint research between academic institutions and private companies.

The starting material for the new turbidity system is citrus albedo, the white substance found on the insides of citrus peel, such as from oranges and lemons. This waste material has failed to find any application in industry to date. “The plan is to enzymatically hydrolyse the citrus. Here, enzymes cleave the substance in order to extract the suitable components for clouding,” says Rabenhorst, describing the first steps. The BMBF funding is financing a major new device intended to quickly test the stability of the turbidity.

Long and stable turbidity

The project foresees the development of a product that will bring stable cloudiness and have an ideal ‘lifetime’ in the drink of at least one year. Moreover, it is anticipated to be colourless, odourless and tasteless and in both the liquid and solid form. The team is also seeking classification as a natural extract from citrus fruits, and they are avoiding the use of genetically modified organisms.

To date frequently artificial extracts
There is a great need for such a product in the beverage industry, explains Rabenhorst. “Current opacifiers are either synthetically manufactured or have a taste of their own, which greatly restricts their utilisation in food. Moreover, the previously used natural opacifiers are insufficiently stable, which often results in them losing their cloudy effect or developing a ‘ring’ on the bottle, caused by the additives settling on the rim.” The technical testing of the new development for sensory properties and cloud stability will be implemented within the project period of three years in the ‘Organic Technology’ and ‘Drink Technology’ laboratories at the University of East Westphalia-Lippe, and chemical analysis will be carried out by a private project partner. “We have brought three competent partners on board for this project, namely Symrise AG, Erbslöh Geisenheim AG and Herbstreith & Fox KG, all of which complement each other perfectly. The combined expertise of the University of East Westphalia-Lippe and the project partners will result in new solutions to meet the requirements of the beverage industry,” said Rabenhorst. Alongside analytical support, the three companies are also providing raw materials, enzymes and other funds. The product will be marketed directly by the company Symrise following the successful development and monitoring of the turbidity system.

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