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The project partners have installed aluminium poles from which bags of microalgae hang at the treatment plant in Rotenburg. 23.08.2016

Cleaning wastewater with algae

Researchers from the wastewater treatment plant at the municipal utility in Rotenburg an der Fulda have proven that algae can also purifies wastewater.

Water-repellent (hydrophobe) textiles are sought after to use in medicine as well in for outdoor clothing. 09.08.2016

Dirt and water blockers from fungi proteins

With the help of water-repellent proteins that occur naturally in the cell walls of fungi, textile researchers want to develop natural dirt and water blockers for clothes.

Bayer wants to strengthen its plant potection division by a fusion with US seed giant Monsanto. 01.08.2016

Water-resistant mortar thanks to a biofilm

Moisture can destroy mortar over time, for example, when cracks form as a result of frost. But by adding a biofilm – a soft, moist substance produced by bacteria, when the mortar is being mixed, a team of scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have discovered an unusual way to protect mortar from moisture.

Bayer wants to strengthen its plant potection division by a fusion with US seed giant Monsanto. 26.07.2016

Monsanto trumps Bayer as BASF joins takeover game

As the takeover poker between Bayer and Monsanto continues, the US seed giant has launched a counterattack with a “poison pill” and has announced that it has resumed talks with Ludwigshafen-based chemical giant BASF. 

Exploring possible case study sites in the Plovdiv region, Bulgaria. 25.05.2016

EU-funded research collaboration for sustainable agriculture

A new BiodivERsA EU-funded project called STACCATO focusing on advancing the long-term sustainable development of land use systems against the risks of global change, was launched in April. The Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research is coordinating the research initiative.

2016-tum-catalyst-research-centre 17.05.2016

TU Munich: million-euro grant for synthetic biology

Synthetic biology at the Technical University of Munich has received a major boost: thanks to the donation of €11.5 million from the Werner Siemens Foundation, the university is able to considerably expand its research facilities.

2016-tum-catalyst-research-centre 11.05.2016

TUM opens central institute for catalysis research

The TUM Catalysis Research Center (CRC) has been officially opened at the research campus in Garching. The construction of the new building consolidates the TU Munich’s interdisciplinary expertise for research on enzymes and other catalysts.

As part of the environmental funding programme LIFE, all EU citizens are eligible to vote online for their favourite environmental project. 02.05.2016

EU competition: online voting environmental research

The EU has sponsored more than 4,300 projects with its environmental funding programme LIFE. Every year all EU citizens can vote online for their favourite environmental project. Online voting runs until the end of May. Even a bioeconomy project with German participation is among the top nominated projects.

Evonik turns to nature for natural active ingredients in cosmetics 18.04.2016

Evonik turns to nature for natural active ingredients in cosmetics

Evonik is expanding its business with cosmetic active ingredients from plant biomass and has bought the French start-up Alkion Biopharma SAS.

Evonik’s new plant in Belgium will produce a new methionine source to be used in feed for shrimp and other crustaceans. 18.04.2016

Evonik increases innovation pipeline by €500 million

Evonik is expanding its business with cosmetic active ingredients from plant biomass and has bought the French start-up Alkion Biopharma SAS.

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