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Synthetic biology: Of bioengineers and cell factories

The genetic substance is the most important molecular construction material. Today, bioengineers are using this as a basis to construct cells with new properties. <ic:message key='Bild vergrößern' />
The genetic substance is the most important molecular construction material. Today, bioengineers are using this as a basis to construct cells with new properties. Source: Benjamin Stolzenberg for biotechnologie.de

Recent developments in technology have given rise to a new field of research in the area of biotechnology, namely synthetic biology. This term is used to describe the work of scientists who analyse complex biological processes and – more importantly – then specifically design, recreate or modify these processes in the laboratory. In the manner of engineers, they set about to reprogram cells and biological systems, or to redesign these systems from scratch. Synthetic biology is essentially still in the realm of basic research, although in the medium term the work that is underway promises to open up genuine biotechnological applications, such as diagnostics, vaccines, drugs, biosensors and biofuels, among others. This fact file is intended to give an overview of current concepts, possible applications, the public discussion and of how synthetic biology is evolving today. 

What is synthetic biology occupied with?

Synthetic biology is a young and interdisciplinary field of research in the life sciences. It combines approaches from biology and engineering with the aim of constructing biological systems with novel properties and functions. For many experts in science and business, the term ‘synthetic biology’ represents a logical development in the molecular life sciences towards a discipline that has more in common with the field of engineering.

The modern path from analysis to manufacturing

In recent years, there have been significant technological advances that have provided molecular- and cell biologists with new tools and methodologies to make a reality out of this vision.

Among other things, these tools allow scientists to analyse biological processes in incredible detail. Moreover, the so-calledomics’ technologies (such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) enable the detection and measurement of the existence and interaction – in their entirety – of genes, protein molecules and other molecules in the cell. In turn, the field of systems biology models these biological processes using computer simulations, which can be used to make predictions about what is happening in the cell. Alongside, the area of genetic engineering has also made a technological leap in recent years. This applies in particular to the production of genetic material, which now takes place via chemical synthesis on industrial-scale machines. There has also been significant progress in sequencing technologies and methodologies. This ‘next generation sequencing’ enables genetic information to be deciphered quickly and at ever lower cost. Moreover, extremely precise molecular tools now exist to facilitate the laboratory work of the biotechnologists.

(Re)constructing and programming biological systems

Against this background, synthetic biology has evolved in the last ten years to become a dynamic field of research in the life sciences. Although researchers are yet to agree on a single definition, it is possible to identify specific characteristic parameters and terms:

  • The Gene Technology Report working group at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the Humanities (BBAW) defined synthetic biology is a collective term for a variety of research projects and approaches that have the aim of designing, recreating or modifying biological or artificial systems on a biological basis. This technical design takes place across different levels – from individual molecules to entire biosystems (BBAW December 2012, PDF download).
  • For the Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology DECHEMA, the concept of synthetic biology is “the application of engineering principles for the systematic construction of biological systems” (DECHEMA Thesis Paper 2011, PDF download).
  • 16 European sponsors taking part in the ERA-Net ERASynBio have agreed on the following definition: “Synthetic biology is concerned with the planning and construction of new biological structures and new systems based on biological structures with the ultimate aim of generating new functions for useful applications. In doing so, the field makes use of concepts from the engineering sciences and biology.” (ERASynBio)
  • A frequently quoted definition also emphasises the engineering approach: “Synthetic biology is the design and construction for useful purposes of new biological component parts, apparatus and systems, as well as the re-design of existing natural biological systems” (synbio.org).

Taken together, these definitions can be summarised as the process of understanding, transforming, constructing or redesigning the molecular architecture of biological systems. Synthetic biology is thus an interdisciplinary and highly dynamic area of work that encompasses vital and cutting-edge contributions from the life sciences, chemistry, information technology and engineering.
