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The project partners have installed aluminium poles from which bags of microalgae hang at the treatment plant in Rotenburg. 23.08.2016 | Science Cleaning wastewater with algae

Researchers from the wastewater treatment plant at the municipal utility in Rotenburg an der Fulda have proven that algae can also purifies wastewater.

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The energy-saving stove Glow yambao was orginially developed for developing countries like Tanzania (see photo). Now the biogas oven is set to make the German barbeque market more sustainable. 17.08.2016 | Business Fresh capital for wood BBQs

After the successful completion of another crowdfunding round, German start-up GloW efficiency off-grid GmbH is now offering its microwood gasification stove to the local barbequing market.

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Plastic waste on a beach in Goa. The plastic pollution in the sea caused by micro-plastics is a global problem. 18.09.2015 | Politics EU launches programme against plastic waste in the sea

It’s not just visible plastic waste that harms the ecosystem of the sea, microplastics are increasingly becoming a problem. A European research network now wants to find out exactly what impact these miniscule particles could have. German scientists are playing a major part in the research.

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The UN and participating countries have adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. 03.08.2016 | Politics Nature commentary: Bioeconomy important for SDGs

In a commentary in the science journal Nature, experts explain the key points on how to harmonise biobased economies and UN sustainability goals.

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