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The UN and participating countries have adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. 03.08.2016

Nature commentary: Bioeconomy important for SDGs

In a commentary in the science journal Nature, experts explain the key points on how to harmonise biobased economies and UN sustainability goals.

Nobel laureates are campaigning for the cultivation of genetically modified plants such as the "golden rice". In addition, they have harshly criticised the campaigns of anti-GM activists. 18.07.2016

Nobel Prize winners campaign for green gene technology

In an open letter, more than 100 Nobel Prize winners, including six German, have strongly campaigned for the use of green genetic engineering in agriculture. They have fiercely called upon environmental organisations such as Greenpeace to rethink its stand on the issue.

The International Green Week in Berlin is once again the Mecca for friends of agricultural products from all over the world. But it’s not just about food – but also about materials made from renewable raw materials. 18.01.2016

Bioeconomy has found its place at the Green Week

The International Green Week opened its doors for the 81st time last Friday at Berlin’s exhibition grounds. At the special exhibition nature.tec, held within the International Green Week, visitors can experience and see for themselves how bioeconomy has shaped our everyday lives.

About 700 participants from 82 nations came to the first World Summit on the bioeconomy. 26.11.2015

Global agenda for sustainable bioeconomy adopted

About 700 delegates from 82 countries have agreed on a final communiqué to foster international relevance of sustainable bioeconomy. It defines five priorities of a global political agenda.  

The official opening reception took place with up to 400 guest in the German Research Ministry. 24.11.2015

First Global Bioeconomy Summit started in Berlin

More than 850 delegates from 82 countries have accepted the invitation extended by Germany's Bioeconomy Council to attend the first Global Bioeconomy Summit. One of the topics is the use of renewable resources and their contribution to sustainable development.

The first global summit on bioeconomy policy will take place in Berlin. The organisers hope to improve international cooperation for the bioeconomy in the long term. 23.11.2015

900 participants expected at Global Bioeconomy Summit

A week before the UN climate conference in Paris, the first global summit on bioeconomy will take place in Berlin. Around 900 participants from 82 countries are expected at the summit from 24th to 26th November.

Plastic waste on a beach in Goa. The plastic pollution in the sea caused by micro-plastics is a global problem. 18.09.2015

EU launches programme against plastic waste in the sea

It’s not just visible plastic waste that harms the ecosystem of the sea, microplastics are increasingly becoming a problem. A European research network now wants to find out exactly what impact these miniscule particles could have. German scientists are playing a major part in the research.

German Federal Minister for Research, Johanna Wanka 04.06.2015

Federal Minister Wanka champions green genetic engineering

The debate over genetically modified crops is gaining fresh urgency. German Federal Minister for Research Johanna Wanka has taken a strong position against bans on cultivation.

For European biotech companies 2015 started with an IPO wave. 06.02.2015

New alliance for bioeconomy launched

A new industry alliance that seeks to advance the bio-based economy in Europe has been launched in Brussels.

The healthcare management industry and bioeconomy play an important role in the new German High-Tech Strategy. Thereby, biotechnology is a key technology. 05.09.2014

New High-Tech Strategy: A key role for biotechnology

The healthcare management industry and bioeconomy play an important role in the new German High-Tech Strategy. Thereby, biotechnology is a key technology.

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