Funded Projects

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Funded Projects

Results: 77
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The biochar-inoculum - a special substrate from biochar with microscopic fungi - skewers into young plant roots, protecting them from disease later. 12.04.2016

Fungus biochar - nature's fertilizer

German fungus researchers from Tübingen have developed a special substrate of biochar that will help young plants to take root and to sustainably protect against diseases.

Breeding ground for yeast strains: in this fermenter, the yeasts are always kept under the same temperature and pressure conditions. 16.03.2016

Storing and protecting active compounds with yeasts

The Berlin-based company Organobalance has developed a process that protects compounds such as vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids with a natural casing.

Cells with built-in bitter receptors as taste testers: within the strategic alliance NatLifE 2020, biotechnologists are searching for natural ingredients. 14.01.2016

Natural substances to mask bitter tastes

Cough mixtures that taste sweet, but are still healthy - natural sweeteners suche as these are in the focus of the strategic alliance NatLifE 2020.The consortium of 22 partners from industry and academia have received millions of euros from the BMBF.

Microshoots of the pawpaw tree: from seedlings to young plants is a long process 03.12.2015

Helping the pawpaw breakthrough

The fruit tree Asimina triloba has been known for its nutritious fruit for a long time. German plant researchers are now working on propagating the pawpaw in the laboratory to make them fit for the fruit farm.

This chocolate ice cream is not made from cow's milk but produced using protein from the blue sweet lupin. The ice cream is vegan and velvet. 27.11.2015

Lupin ice cream: a sustainable dessert

The answer for all vegan and lactose-intolerant ice cream fans: a special treat is now available in the freezer section in many supermarkets – lupin ice cream. The vegetable protein that the ice cream is based on is produced using a sophisticated technology, which recently won the German Future Prize.

Researchers in Mainz have identified a bio-silicate in marine sponges (pictured: Late Baikal sponge) that is suitable as a coating for dental and bone implants. 20.05.2015

Biological protective sheathing for teeth

Nature is a virtuoso of new biomaterials: Researchers in Mainz have discovered a bio-silicate in marine sponges that is highly suited as a coating for dental and bone implants.

Great quantities of previously unused carbon are hidden away in industrial wastewater and sewage sludge. The strategic alliance ZeroCarbonFootprint is working to tap this resource as a source of raw materials for innovative products. 29.04.2015

Precious single cell oils born of waste water

Slumbering in industrial waste and sewage is an abundance of untapped carbons. The ‘ZeroCarbonFootprint’ strategic alliance brings together partners from research and industry with the joint aim of unlocking waste as a source of raw materials for innovative products. The star of the show: some extremely useful microorganisms.

GNA Biosolutions provides the required reagents and DNA-coated gold nanoparticles in cartridge form. 16.12.2014

Laser-powered turbo PCR

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of biotechnologists’ most important tools. A new technique can now greatly speed up the molecular copying process.

The seeds of the caper spurge (E. lathyris) contain up to 50 percent fatty oil. This makes them ideally suited for use in fuels, a concept now being investigated by researchers in Gatersleben. 09.12.2014

Biofuels: it’s all in the milk

Components from the sap of the caper spurge plant could be an ingredient in future biofuels. And because the plant grows well in poor soils, there would be no competition with food crops.

Enzymes are already a key component in detergents. In future, they will also help to remove the knots that can build up on synthetic fibres. 30.10.2014

Polishing up synthetic fibres with enzymes

New detergent enzymes that can nibble away at unwanted fibrous clumps on synthetic textiles – this is one of the goals of the BMBF-funded strategic alliance ‘Functionalisation of Polymers – FuPol’.

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