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Results: 49
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After a career as a plant physiologist and geneticist, Yuri Gleba is now an entrepreneur with three company foundings behind him. 10.12.2014

Yuri Gleba: Using plants as molecule factories

The plant molecular biologist Yuri Gleba is the head and founder of the company Nomad Biosciences. Today, subsidiary company Icon Genetics is making headlines with its Ebola serum ZMapp. The motto of the chess lover: “Entrepreneurs should be able to think like a Grand Master.”

Stefan Schiller of the University of Freiburg is this year's winner of the BMBF research award Next Generation of Biotechnological Processes. 24.09.2014

Stefan Schiller: Interior designer of cell factories

Equipping cell factories with new reaction chambers: this synthetic-biological vision is the goal of Freiburg-based chemist and cell engineer Stefan Schiller. The scientist recently won the BMBF’s highly endowed Next Generation of Biotechnological Processes research award for 2014.

The microbiologist Ulrich Rabausch 27.08.2014

Ulrich Rabausch: A microbiologist with entrepreneurial vision

Three steps to success: Turn up at the Federal Ministry of Research Innovation Academy Biotechnology with a good business idea, find some partners, become an entrepreneur. While this may sound a bit simplistic, it is exactly what happened to Hamburg-based microbiologist Ulrich Rabausch.

The award-winning microbiologist Nicole Dubilier specialises in the coexistence between sea-based microbes and other sea creatures. 14.07.2014

Nicole Dubilier: searching for synergy in the ocean

As often as she can, Leibniz Award winner Nicole Dubilier journeys to the sea, where she explores the fascinating coexistence of microbes with other sea creatures.

The biochemist Jörg Riesmeier is the managing director of Derivo ITB in Cologne. 08.01.2014

Jörg Riesmeier: From funds to firms

Plant biotechnologist, fund manager and now company head. In the world of applied biosciences, Jörg Riesmeier certainly gets around a lot. In recent years he has been responsible for putting industrial biotech company Direvo IBT on a new course.

To produce his valuable fine chemicals, Falk Harnisch electrifies the inhabitants of muddy dwellings. He calls this microbial ‘bioelectrotechnology’. 11.01.2013

Falk Harnisch: The electrified biotechnologist

The biochemist Falk Harnisch has made it his mission to produce industrial chemicals using current-carrying bacteria. Aided by a BMBF Research Award, he is building up his own working group in Leipzig.

Thorsten Eggert, habilitated microbiologist and founder of Evocatal. 23.11.2012

Thorsten Eggert: The enzyme optimiser

“Just doing research” was not enough for the successful microbiologist. Finding no industrial partner for his optimised enzymes, he took matters into his own hands and founded the Düsseldorf-based company Evocatal, which specialises in the biotechnological production of fine chemicals.

Jochen Guck is a Professor of Cellular Machines at the Biotechnology Center of the Technical University of Dresden. 22.08.2012

Jochen Guck: An outsider’s path to the central nervous system

An adaptable outsider: In the course of his career, the physicist Jochen Guck has brought a number of startling discoveries to the world of biotechnology. With a Humboldt Professorship in the bag, he now conducts research at the Technical University of Dresden.

Thomas Drescher, founder and board member at Jülich-based bioreactor system specialists DASGIP. 20.06.2012

Thomas Drescher: Parallel operations in the cell lab

Thomas Drescher is one of the founders of the Jülich-based company DASGIP. The bioreactor systems specialists were bought this year by Eppendorf AG – and after Europe and North America is now casting its eye on the Asian markets.

At the OncoRay Centre for Research in Oncology in Dresden, Anna Dubrovska dreams of developing a biomarker for aggressive tumour cells. 13.06.2012

Anna Dubrovska: A passion for art and cancer genes

The Ukrainian genetic scientist Anna Dubrovska knows what cancer is like from her own family experience. After research sojourns in Sweden and the USA, she is now a Junior Professor at OncoRay in Dresden, where she conducts research into biomarkers.

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