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Plastic waste on a beach in Goa. The plastic pollution in the sea caused by micro-plastics is a global problem. 18.09.2015

EU launches programme against plastic waste in the sea

It’s not just visible plastic waste that harms the ecosystem of the sea, microplastics are increasingly becoming a problem. A European research network now wants to find out exactly what impact these miniscule particles could have. German scientists are playing a major part in the research.

The three initiators of the BIG-C consortium during the founding ceremony in 2014 10.06.2015

Four million euros for BIG-C bioeconomy network

The tri-national network BIG-C is centred around bio-based industries and innovations in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Netherlands and Belgian Flanders. The alliance recently secured four million euros from the German Federal Government.

An idea communicated as a rap – performed as a team and recorded in the studio: the most recent Innovation Academy Biotechnology came with a musical twist. At the close, three teams scooped 50,000 euros for the development of their ideas 21.11.2014

Innovation Academy Biotechnology: Recall for three ideas

At the BMBF’s fifth Innovation Academy Biotechnology – this year hosted in a Berlin ‘music hotel’ – the 50 participants searched for the business ideas of the future.

Lupine protein as a herbal food additive: the project heralded a Future Award for the researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging in Freising, which worked together with the company Prolupin. The award was presented by Federal President Joachim Gauck. 20.11.2014

German Future Award for lupine ice creammaterials

A team of Fraunhofer researchers has been awarded the German 2014 Future Award thanks to a range of foodstuffs made using lupine proteins.

A bacterial cell with a designer organelle – these kinds of synthetic hollow structures could be well suited as reaction chambers for biotechnological processes. 24.09.2014

Research award: Millions in funding for cell engineer

Stefan Schiller of the University of Freiburg is revamping cells with synthetic organelles. The chemist is now a winner of a major research award from the Federal Ministry of Research for his future bio-based production technique.

The healthcare management industry and bioeconomy play an important role in the new German High-Tech Strategy. Thereby, biotechnology is a key technology. 05.09.2014

New High-Tech Strategy: A key role for biotechnology

The healthcare management industry and bioeconomy play an important role in the new German High-Tech Strategy. Thereby, biotechnology is a key technology.

Agricultural waste residues are an important raw material for second generation biorefinery systems. 15.07.2014

Market-ready biorefinery system: Alcohol from waste materials

A new technique for the production of bioethanol from straw has now been developed to marketability. The German Biomass Research Centre was also involved in the European project.

Biobased Economy Concept 11.07.2014

Horizon2020: First JTI calls in bioeconomy and health

Among the seven newly launched Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI) of Horizon2020 are two with deep roots in biotech: IMI is going into its second round while the newly established Bio-based Industries partnership invests in bioeconomy.

The metabolic processes of bacteria and other microorganisms enable them to break apart metals from orebodies. 06.05.2014

Biomining alliance: microbe pirates on a copper treasure hunt

Employing microbes for copper extraction: this is the goal of the recently begun German-French cooperation project Eco-Metals.

The European Union funding initiative Horizon 2020 is aimed at securing the global scientific competitiveness of Europe as a research location. 10.12.2013

EU approves €70 billion for research

The EU Parliament has signed off on the new ‘Horizon 2020’ framework programme. This heralds a princely €70 billion for research and technology projects

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