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The energy-saving stove Glow yambao was orginially developed for developing countries like Tanzania (see photo). Now the biogas oven is set to make the German barbeque market more sustainable. 17.08.2016

Fresh capital for wood BBQs

After the successful completion of another crowdfunding round, German start-up GloW efficiency off-grid GmbH is now offering its microwood gasification stove to the local barbequing market.

Evonik’s new plant in Belgium will produce a new methionine source to be used in feed for shrimp and other crustaceans. 12.07.2016

Evonik increases innovation pipeline by €500 million

Evonik increases innovation pipeline by €500 millionOn the basis of innovation, speciality chemicals company Evonik has increased the value of its research and development projects to around €500 million. It plans to concentrate on several areas from biotechnology and bioeconomy and has already become a world leader in the biotechnological production of amino acids for the animal feed industry.

New strategies against the pollution of the seas will be developed within a new marine research programme. Here federal research minister Johanna Wanka is informed about the diving robot from the GEOMAR research centre. 05.07.2016

Billions donated to research to protect the seas

The sea is ecologically increasingly under pressure. With a multi-billion dollar research programme, the federal government wants to get new strategies against pollution, overfishing and ocean acidification off the ground.

Digital Farming: specific recommendations from Bayer help soybean growers optimise their farm management. 28.06.2016

Bayer joins forces with US start-up to build on digital farming

Bayer has signed an agreement with US aerospace technology company Planetary Resources to develop applications and products based on satellite images. Bayer intends to purchase data from Planetary Resources to create new agricultural products.

Brainstorming for the circular economy of tomorrow at the wood challenge. 20.06.2016

OSCE Days: what does a world without waste look like?

Recycled textiles and new products made of wood waste – what will the circular economy of the future look like, was discussed at the Open Source Circular Economy Days in 70 cities across the world in mid-June. In Berlin alone, 900 participants were present.

Building bridges for the bioeconomy: the bioeconomy turns over more than 2 trillion euros and provides 18 million jobs. 06.04.2016

Bioeconomy is a major driving force

In the past, it was not easy to quantify the European bioeconomy. The first macro-economic study by the Bio-based Industries Consortium now shows: the bioeconomy turns over more than 2 trillion euros and provides 18 million jobs.

Monsanto is still looking to expand and has its sights set on Bayer's seed and crop protection business. 23.03.2016

Monsanto has its sights set on Bayer’s agribusiness

Spurned by Swiss Syngenta earlier this year, Monsanto is still looking to expand. According to press reports, the US agribusiness giant is in talks with Bayer concerning the German company’s seed and crop protection business.

BASF is set to form a new JV with Avantium to produce novel bio-based polymers 08.03.2016

Bio-chem deals for BASF and Deinove

Not one but two major players are kicking off collaborations within the bioeconomy. BASF is set to form a new JV with Avantium to produce novel bio-based polymers, while Deinove is teaming up with Arbiom to use forest residue as a feedstock.

Zwingenberg-based Brain AG aims to collect a total of 31,5 million euros with its IPO. 05.02.2016

Brain AG sets share price at 9 euros per share

The first biotech IPO on the German stock market in Frankfurt is almost accomplished. Bioeconomy specialist Brain AG has placed its stocks at 31,5 million euros. The first listing is planned for next week.

Since summer 2015, Jürgen Eck has been the CEO of Brain AG. The company is aiming for further growth with its IPO. 07.01.2016

Brain AG plans IPO on Frankfurt stock exchange

Industrial biotechology corporation Brain AG plans to venture onto the trading floor in 2016, and could therefore be the first biotech IPO since 2007 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

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