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Fresh capital for wood BBQs

The energy-saving stove Glow yambao was orginially developed for developing countries like Tanzania (see photo). Now the biogas oven is set to make the German barbeque market more sustainable. <ic:message key='Bild vergrößern' />
The energy-saving stove Glow yambao was orginially developed for developing countries like Tanzania (see photo). Now the biogas oven is set to make the German barbeque market more sustainable. Source: Glow

17.08.2016  - 

Garden plant remains will soon be used to barbeque – even in German gardens. Following the successful completion of another round of funding on the crowdfunding platform Startnext, the start-up GloW efficiency off-grid GmbH wants to offer the stove yaMbao that was originally designed for use in developing countries, to the German barbequing market. The barbeque gadget runs on uncarbonised, dry, and chunky biomass e.g. pellets, wood, or chopped wood. This is much more efficient and environmental friendly than using charcoal or fossil fuels. The outdoor cooker can be heated using garden remains such as plant cuttings and can therefore be used as a waste disposal.

In Germany, cooking over an open fire is seen as an adventurous activity that goes hand in hand with camping. Open fireplaces in closed rooms are commonplace in many countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Yet the health hazards of inhaling burnt wood have long been disregarded. Now a study has been published that for the first time shows a connection. The WHO estimates that annually around two million people die from the effects of smoke wood, half of them are children under five.

Biogas cooker uses garden waste

Two years ago start-up GloW efficiency off-grid GmbH from Lower Saxony developed an alternative stove, the “GloW yaMbao” which uses rough, dry biomass like wood, pellets, plant cuttings effectively, without harming people around the hotplate. Via crowdfunding platform Startnext, the start-up was able to raise money to advance the alternative stove. The GloW yaMbao is a so-called microwood gasification stove, which uses rough, dried biomass like wood or pellets for cooking

New barbeque for German gardens

The stove that was originally developed for developing countries has meanwhile been “tested, used and loved!” the developers report. The concept of clean cooking has apparently convinced garden and barbeque enthusiasts in Germany too. Now, the energy-saving cooker from Glow, which expands with a detachable grill plate, has conquered the domestic market. To do this, the young company secured another round of funding on the crowdfunding platform Startnext. Within two months, Glow were able to convince 82 small investors and raise around €8,200. With the money, they especially want to advance the sales of the stove in Germany.

Wood gas produces charcoal for fertilising

With the new biogas ovens the young company has not just developed a barbeque. As well as an oven, the device has a special composition in which biomass such as branches can be converted to gas at a high temperature. Water vapour and oxygen is released and part of the biomass is converted to gas. The result is a constant burning gas flame at the top of the stove that consumes little energy and reaches the required cooking or grilling temperature within five minutes.

In addition, the combustible wood gas produces charcoal, which is retained in the lower part and can be reused, or used as fertilizer for garden soils. The bottom line is that the Glow stove is more than just a new barbecue. It can also be used as a waste disposal for shrub and tree cuttings in the garden, making it a clean, healthy and effective alternative to controversial types of wood charcoal such as tropical timber.

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