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The German Biotechnology Sector 2016

The German Biotechnology Sector 2016 <ic:message key='Bild vergrößern' />
The German Biotechnology Sector 2016

More revenue, more jobs, more financing, more R&D expenditure – all the signs are pointing towards a sustainable growth. In addition, German companies are increasingly attracing the interest of international capital.

Employee development and new startups

With a total of ten start-ups (Q1/2014: 14) the founding dynamics in 2015 were at the same level as in previous years, at least from what can be seen now.

As shown in figure 6 on the left, there is an increase of total start-up numbers for the year and, from experience, an increase to more than 20 start-ups can also be expected for 2015. Most of the newcomers known today are active in the health area (8) and two in industrial biotech. Five insolvencies and five liquidations were reported in 2015.

Fig. 6: Number of annual new biotech start-ups over the time Lightbox-Link
Fig. 6: Number of annual new biotech start-ups over the time

Dynamic employment market

In terms of jobs, the German biotech sector is a dynamic employment market. In 2015, the 593 dedicated companies reported a total increase of more than 1,000 employees, with the largest increase in Baden-Württemberg (+240). Compared to previous years, in 2015 more middle-sized companies throughout the country employed more people.



For the purposes of this survey, BIOCOM AG has compiled a questionnaire compliant with the OECD standards as used in the previous surveys.

Between January and March 2016, a total of 775 companies were contacted and asked to complete the survey. 564 of the companies answered either by questionnaire or by telephone, corresponding to a verification rate of 72.3%.


The German Biotech Sector 2016

BIOCOM AG, April 2016 english Download PDF (1,2 MB) PDF online ansehen