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The German Biotechnology Sector 2016

The German Biotechnology Sector 2016 <ic:message key='Bild vergrößern' />
The German Biotechnology Sector 2016

More revenue, more jobs, more financing, more R&D expenditure – all the signs are pointing towards a sustainable growth. In addition, German companies are increasingly attracing the interest of international capital.

Development in the service sector and bioeconomy

Apart from the health sector, the second largest pillar of the German biotech scene is companies (186) that are not active in a specific field. This includes all companies providing services exclusively or primarily for other biotech firms, or which function as suppliers.

In 2015, all these companies together had a turnover of €690m (+2%) and an R&D budget of €109m (+1.9%), demonstrating that the service business model has proven to be a guarantee for continuous growth within the German biotech sector since 2011 when turnover was €556m.

Fig. 5: Main areas of activity in dedicated, industrial biotech companies Lightbox-Link
Main areas of activity in dedicated, industrial biotech companies

More turnover in bioeconomy

There are 60 companies developing industrial applications in various other sectors (see fig. 5) which demonstrates the relevance of biotech processes throughout the industry as a whole. This is also underlined by a rise of 14.3% in industrial biotechnology turnover. The application of biotechnology in the plant breeding and agricultural sector has decreased over the years, but in 2015 the 19 companies generated an increase of 5.8% in turnover (€32.3m). Thus, the growing interest in sustainable, biobased processes and products therefore acts as a slight boost for the industrial and agricultural biotech business in Germany.



For the purposes of this survey, BIOCOM AG has compiled a questionnaire compliant with the OECD standards as used in the previous surveys.

Between January and March 2016, a total of 775 companies were contacted and asked to complete the survey. 564 of the companies answered either by questionnaire or by telephone, corresponding to a verification rate of 72.3%.


The German Biotech Sector 2016

BIOCOM AG, April 2016 english Download PDF (1,2 MB) PDF online ansehen