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The German Biotechnology Sector 2015

The German Biotechnology Sector 2015

More revenue, more jobs, more funding – all signs are pointing towards growth in the German biotech sector.  These are the central conclusions of the company survey carried out by the information platform biotechnologie.de at the beginning of 2015 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In 2014, the turnover exceeded the milestone of 3 billion euros for the very first time. For the first time since 2008, spending on research and development (R&D) has increased once again.

OECD Definitions

Biotechnology …
… is defined as the application of science and technology to living organisms, as well as parts, products and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services.
A dedicated biotechnology firm …
 … is defined as a biotechnology active firm whose predominant activity involves the application of biotechnology techniques to produce goods or services and/or the performance of biotechnology R&D.
An other biotechnologically active firm

… is defined as a biotechnologically active firm that applies biotechnology techniques for the purpose of implementing new or significantly improved products or processes (per the Oslo Manual (OECD, 1997) for the measurement of innovation). It excludes end users which innovate simply by using biotechnology products as intermediate inputs (for instance, detergent manufacturers which change their formulation to include enzymes produced by other firms via biotechnology techniques).

Definition areas of activity

  • Health/Medicin: Development of therapeutics and/or diagnostics for the field of human medicine, drug delivery, human tissue replacement
  • Animal health: As above, for veterinary application
  • Agrobiotechnology: Genetically modified plants, animals or microorganisms, as well as non-genetically modified plants grown using biotechnological procedures, for use in agriculture or forestry
  • Industrial Biotechnology: Biotechnological products and processes for the handling of waste or sewage, for chemical synthesis, for the extraction of raw materials and energy etc.
  • Non-specific application: Equipment or reagents based on
    biotechnological principles, for research or provision of services in this field
    (“ancillary industry”)

Further relevant terms

  • Biotechnology product: ... is defined as a good or service, the development of which requires the use of one or more biotechnology techniques based on the list and single definitions above. It includes knowledge products (technical know-how) generated from biotechnology R&D.
  • Biotechnology process: ... is defined as a production or other (e.g. environmental) process using one or more biotechnology techniques or products
  • Biotechnology research and experimental de-velopment (R&D): ... are defined as R&D into biotech-nology techniques, biotechnology products or biotechnology processes, in accordance with both the biotechnology definitions presented above and the Frascati Manual for the measurement of R&D (OECD, 2002).
  • Biotechnology employment: ... is defined as the employment involved in the generation of biotechnology products as defined above. For ease of collection, it is suggested that employment be measured in terms of staff numbers rather than hours worked. However, where countries prefer, they can collect this information in terms of full-time equivalents, consistent with an R&D survey approach (as outlined in the Frascati Manual).


The biotechnology company survey has been conducted by biotechnologie.de for the tenth time. Between January and March 2015, a total of 774 companies were contacted and requested to complete the survey. When deciding on the company selection, the OECD definition was used alongside an adjustment with the company database at BIOCOM AG. 536 of the companies answered either by questionnaire or by telephone, corresponding to a verification rate of 72 %. The deadline for completion of the survey was 31.12.2014, for counting the start-ups 31.3.2015.

Biotechnology enterprises and companies are those whose business objective is substantially or exclusively involved with biotechnology. In the framework of the figures given here, they are referred to as "dedicated biotech companies”. Companies that are majority-owned by a non-German parent company, but have an office in Germany with R&D activities, are also taken into account.

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The German Biotech Sector 2015

biotechnologie.de, May 2015 english Download PDF (7,3 MB) PDF online ansehen