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TeGenero ImmunoTherapeutics AG


Science Park, Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 15
97076 Würzburg

Tel.: +49-931-35962-0
Fax: +49-931-35962-11

Gegründet: 2000
Mitarbeiter: 15
Aktualisiert: 07.12.2011

Tegenero has developed a unique approach to balance T cell activation and expansion by triggering co-stimulatory CD receptors with novel monoclonal antibodies that convert „co-stimulatory“ CD receptors. With its most advanced product candidate TGN 1412, a fully humanized CD28-SuperMABTM, Tegenero targets the most efficient Cd receptor that co-stimulates T cells in combination with the TCR. TGN1412 bypasses the requirement for TCR signalling and activates T cells regardless of their TCR specifity.

Kategorie: nicht aktiv
Bereich: Forschung
Ausrichtung: Gesundheit/Medizin
OECD-Klasse: DNS
Proteine u. andere Moleküle
Zell- und Gewebekultur
Labor: Biol. Labor/L1/S1